Some are survival simulators while others are more like grand theft auto. Some of these games are indie titles (Factorio), others are big-budget AAA (Horizon Zero Dawn) blockbusters. Games on this list were chosen on the basis of their design and popularity. This is by no means a comprehensive list of every good sandbox game out there, but it sure is representative of the best ones for each platform. The character progression and stats system has been simplified compared to previous Fallout titles, but fit perfectly into an action-oriented shooter like Fallout 4. Like the building system that lets you create your own settlements and break down structures to gather raw materials. What Fallout 4 sacrificed in terms of role-playing, it made up for with new features. It was buggy on launch (like every Fallout game ever) and wasn’t exactly a good-looking game, even by 2015 standards. Fallout 4 was criticized by many for veering away from the more open-ended nature of previous Fallout titles in exchange for a linear watered-down role-playing experience.